XS Micro Parts - All Products
- 0325F5015
- 032600
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- 0326001.MXP
- 0326002.H
- 0326002.HXP
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- 0326003.H
- 0326003.HXP
- 0326003.MXP
- 0326004.HXP
- 0326004.M
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- 0326005.HXP
- 0326005.MXP
- 0326007.HXP
- 0326007.MXP
- 0326008.H
- 0326008.HXP
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- 03260092
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- 0326.010MXP
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- 0326012.H
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- 0326015
- 0326015.H
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- 0326015.VXP
- 032601.6HXP
- 032601.6MXP
- 032602
- 0326020.H
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- 0326025.H
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- 032602.5MXP
- 0326030.HXP
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- 0326.031HXP
- 032603.2HXP
- 032603.2MXP
- 032606
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- 032608
- 032610
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- 032612
- 03261.25HXP
- 0326.125MXP
- 032614
- 032616
- 032617
- 0326.175MXP
- 032620
- 0326.200MXP
- 0326219010627100
- 032622
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- 0326.250MXP
- 032626
- 032627
- 032628
- 032630
- 0326.300HXP
- 0326.300MXP
- 032632
- 032634
- 032636
- 032637
- 0326.375MXP
- 032638
- 032644
- 032648
- 032649
- 0326.500H
- 0326.500HXP
- 0326.500MXP
- 032656
- 032658
- 032660
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- 032662
- 03266.25HXP
- 03266.25MXP
- 032666
- 032668
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- 0326.700MXP
- 032672
- 032674
- 0326.750HXP
- 0326.800MXP
- 032682
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- 032684
- 032686
- 032688
- 032691
- 032692
- 032694
- 032696
- 032698
- 032700
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- 032702
- 032704
- 032706
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- 032712
- 032714
- 032716
- 032718
- 032724
- 032726
- 032728
- 032730
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- 032736
- 032738
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- 032750
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- 032754
- 032756
- 032757
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- 032763
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- 033
- 0330
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- 0330110006$.18EA
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- 033021
- 033025
- 033069
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- 0330.DB0.022
- 0331
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- 0331015151827100
- 033103
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- 0331200340012
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Sharp’s LQ036Q1DA01 are NEW and IN-STOCK
Odd sized screens can be a nightmare when they become obsolete like these 3.6″ TFT-LCD Modules made by Sharp. Lucky for you, XS Micro has these particular LCDs in-stock in factory sealed boxes. For a datasheet with full spec’s, check out http://www.sharpsma.com/download/LQ036Q1DA01-SP-091004pdf . Are you running into problems with other screens and are being told […]
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